A Fight for Focus
I’ve sat down a few times now, trying to write this blog. . . . And have not succeeded! My focus has been scattered in countless directions. . . parenting teenagers, losing a family friend, a scattered brain, too many creative endeavors, and a major home declutter project.
I’ve simply not been able to muster the strength to gather my attention in one place to write this. Do you ever feel like this too? Like you have to fight for your focus?
Sooo. . . . What is helping me now, that just might help you too???
The convergence of space, time and purpose. . . .
What does this mean? Designate a physical place, a window of time in your day, and a specific thing you are going to do in that place at that time.
For example- I will write my new book, Luminous, from 5:30am-6:30am every day at my kitchen counter. Or. . . I will write this blog at 3:30pm on Monday at the desk in my bedroom.
I believe, creating a framework of time and space for your project is more important than writing a ‘to do’ list of tasks needed to complete the project.
Now, if you know me, you know I struggle everyday to organize and focus. I am NOT an expert organizational, ‘get things done’ wizard. What I have discovered, is that I have to physically take myself out of the chaos of my everyday life to focus. In this light, I have been making tremendous progress on my new book, Luminous, at my kitchen counter every morning at 5:30 am. It has been quite a dream to work quietly in the early morning, before anyone else is up. . . . Those every day, focused work sessions, no matter how small, stack up quickly!
Is there something you have been dreaming to accomplish? Could you designate a chunk of time and a specific place to work on it every day?
Love Always,
PS- If you need a physical tool to help you build this framework, check out my Expand System planner!